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Coraux Indo Au

Blastomussa Wellsi WYSIWYG

Blastomussa Wellsi WYSIWYG

Regular price $394.25
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The Blastomussa wellsi is a stunning Large Polyp Stony Coral (LPS) known for its fleshy, vibrant polyps. With shades of red, green, purple, and orange, this coral adds a splash of color and softness to any reef aquarium. Ideal for beginner and intermediate aquarists, it’s prized for its moderate growth rate and easy maintenance.

Care Guide:

1. Tank Size and Setup:

• Minimum volume: 50 liters (13 gallons) for stable parameters.

• Lighting: Low to moderate (recommended PAR: 40–100 PAR). Use low-intensity LED or T5 lighting to avoid bleaching the polyps.

• Placement:

• Lower or middle areas of the tank, away from intense direct light.

• Allow 2–4 inches (5–10 cm) of space around the coral to prevent aggressive interactions.

2. Water Parameters:

• Temperature: 75–79°F (24–26°C).

• Salinity: 1.024–1.026 (specific gravity).

• pH: 7.8–8.4.

• Calcium: 400–450 ppm.

• Alkalinity (KH): 8–12 dKH.

• Magnesium: 1250–1450 ppm.

• Nitrates: Below 10 ppm (ideally 2–5 ppm).

• Phosphates: Below 0.05 ppm.

3. Flow:

• Low to moderate. Excessive flow can cause polyp retraction or tissue damage.

4. Feeding:

• While primarily photosynthetic, supplemental feeding enhances its coloration and growth:

• Enriched brine shrimp, frozen mysis shrimp, or LPS coral food.

• Frequency: 1–2 times weekly, preferably at night or when polyps are open.

5. Compatibility and Tank Mates:

• Reef-safe: Yes, and very peaceful. It does not harm other corals.

• Ideal tank mates: Peaceful fish like gobies, clownfish, or non-aggressive dwarf angelfish.

• Avoid: Aggressive fish or invertebrates that may nip at its tissues, such as butterflyfish or large crabs.

6. Maintenance and Growth:

• Gently clean the polyps to remove debris or algae.

• Perform biweekly water changes (10–15%).

• Growth is moderate to slow under optimal conditions.

7. Signs of Health:

• Fully inflated, colorful polyps.

• No white patches, tissue recession, or necrosis.

8. Special Precautions:

• Avoid handling its fleshy polyps directly to prevent infections or stress.

• Maintain stable water parameters to avoid sudden fluctuations.

• Keep it away from aggressive corals that may damage its delicate tissues.

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