Coraux Indo Au
Candy Cane sold per head (Caulastraea)
Candy Cane sold per head (Caulastraea)
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The Caulastraea, commonly known as the Candy Cane Coral, is a Large Polyp Stony Coral (LPS) loved for its ease of care and distinctive candy cane-like polyps. With vibrant colors ranging from neon green to blue, pink, and brown, this coral is an excellent choice for beginner and intermediate aquarists. Thanks to its moderate growth and simple requirements, it makes a captivating addition to any reef aquarium.
Care Guide:
1. Tank Size and Setup:
• Minimum volume: 50 liters (13 gallons) for stable parameters.
• Lighting: Low to moderate (recommended PAR: 50–150 PAR). Soft LED or T5 lighting is ideal to prevent bleaching.
• Placement:
• Middle or lower areas of the tank, depending on light intensity.
• Allow at least 2 inches (5 cm) of space between polyps to avoid conflicts with neighboring corals.
2. Water Parameters:
• Temperature: 75–79°F (24–26°C).
• Salinity: 1.024–1.026 (specific gravity).
• pH: 7.8–8.4.
• Calcium: 400–450 ppm.
• Alkalinity (KH): 8–12 dKH.
• Magnesium: 1250–1450 ppm.
• Nitrates: Below 10 ppm (ideally 2–5 ppm).
• Phosphates: Below 0.05 ppm.
3. Flow:
• Moderate and indirect. A gentle flow allows polyps to fully extend without damage.
4. Feeding:
• While it relies on photosynthesis, supplemental feeding enhances growth and coloration:
• Enriched brine shrimp, frozen mysis shrimp, or liquid/powdered LPS coral food.
• Frequency: 2–3 times weekly, preferably at night when polyps are extended.
5. Compatibility and Tank Mates:
• Reef-safe: Yes, Caulastraea is peaceful and non-aggressive toward its neighbors.
• Ideal tank mates: Peaceful fish like gobies, clownfish, and non-aggressive dwarf angelfish.
• Avoid: Aggressive fish or invertebrates that may nip at its polyps.
6. Maintenance and Growth:
• Gently clean the polyps to remove debris or algae buildup.
• Perform biweekly water changes (10–15%).
• Moderate growth under optimal conditions.
7. Signs of Health:
• Fully inflated and colorful polyps, with complete extension.
• No white patches or tissue necrosis.
8. Special Precautions:
• Keep sufficient space from other corals to avoid aggressive interactions.
• Avoid direct handling of the polyps to prevent stress or infections.
• Maintain stable parameters to avoid sudden fluctuations.