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Tunze Comline® DOC Skimmer 9001

Tunze Comline® DOC Skimmer 9001

Regular price $190.99
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Comline DOC Skimmer 9001 Simple, quiet and effective - these are the current demands towards aquarium components. That's precisely what distinguishes the small ComlineDOC Skimmer 9001 - a true plug and play skimmer for small seawater aquariums with 20 to 140 liters (5.3 to 37USgal.). There's no complicated setting or regular adjustment required for the operation. A simple installation into a corner of the aquarium is sufficient and it will work autonomously. Adaptability to aquariums DOC Skimmer 9001(9001.000) Recommended from 20 to 140 liters (5.3 to 37USgal.) of sea water. Immersion depth: approx. 135mm to 155mm (5.3 to 6.1in.), skimmer cup volume: 0.2L (.053 USgal.), air capacity: approx. 100l/h (26USgal./h), 2.5W, 230V/50Hz (115V/60Hz), dimensions: L110 x W63 x H215mm (L4.3 x W2.5 x H8.5in.), includes Magnet Holder for glass thickness of up to 10mm (3/8).
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