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Coraux Indo Au

Zoanthidae Coral (Zoanthids) WYSIWYG

Zoanthidae Coral (Zoanthids) WYSIWYG

Regular price $200.00
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The Zoanthidae, commonly known as Zoanthids, are soft corals highly sought after for their vibrant colors and ease of care. Available in a wide range of hues and patterns, they form colonies that quickly cover rocks and other surfaces, creating a stunning visual effect. Zoanthids are ideal for both beginner and experienced aquarists due to their hardiness and adaptability to various conditions.

Care Guide:

1. Tank Size and Setup:

• Minimum volume: 50 liters (13 gallons) to ensure stable parameters.

• Lighting: Low to moderate (recommended PAR: 50–150 PAR). Zoanthids adapt well to a variety of light intensities, but LED or T5 lighting enhances their vivid colors.

• Placement:

• Lower to middle areas of the tank, depending on light intensity.

• Leave space around them to allow for propagation.

2. Water Parameters:

• Temperature: 75–79°F (24–26°C).

• Salinity: 1.024–1.026 (specific gravity).

• pH: 7.8–8.4.

• Calcium: 400–450 ppm.

• Alkalinity (KH): 8–12 dKH.

• Magnesium: 1250–1450 ppm.

• Nitrates: Below 10 ppm (ideally 2–5 ppm).

• Phosphates: Below 0.05 ppm.

3. Flow:

• Moderate. A gentle to moderate flow encourages the polyps to thrive without causing stress.

4. Feeding:

• Zoanthids primarily rely on photosynthesis through their zooxanthellae, but supplemental feeding enhances growth and color intensity:

• Marine plankton, phytoplankton, or specific liquid coral foods for soft corals.

• Frequency: 1–2 times weekly.

5. Compatibility and Tank Mates:

• Reef-safe: Yes, Zoanthids are peaceful and adapt well to other corals.

• Ideal companions: Peaceful fish like gobies, clownfish, and non-aggressive invertebrates.

• Avoid: Certain butterflyfish or invertebrates, such as crabs, that may nip at their polyps.

6. Maintenance and Growth:

• Rapid growth under optimal conditions. Prevent overgrowth by limiting available surfaces if needed.

• Gently clean areas around colonies to avoid algae buildup.

7. Signs of Health:

• Fully open polyps with vibrant and vivid colors.

• No signs of bleaching or retraction.

8. Special Precautions:

• Zoanthids may contain toxins known as palytoxins, which are potentially dangerous to humans if touched or inhaled. Wear gloves during handling.

• Maintain stable water parameters and avoid sudden fluctuations.

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